

Balaji SriramuluFounder

Balaji founded vr4U Global in 2008 with a team of 2 and gradually developed the company launching various services through core learning and developing new tools for process automation.

Balaji co-founded SMDS (S-Media & Digital Solutions) in 2015 at Tirupati which has now been merged with a leading firm in Bangalore which specializes in social media campaigns for business and political events.

In 2018, Balaji co-founded PowerViz which was earlier the Presentation Services division of vr4U Global.

Balaji is a MBA graduate from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

Thriveni GajendiranManaging Director

Thriveni is the Managing Director at vr4U Global. Since the inception of the company, she has been instrumental in devising strategies and providing guidance on introduction of various services and helped the company to achieve its financial vision and long-term goals.

She also manages the finance and human resources at vr4U Global.

Thriveni is a graduate in Computer Science from Madras University, Chennai and holds a PG Diploma in Financial and Business Management.

Sathya KamalOperations Manager

Sathya is the Operations Manager of our Data processing and eMarketing division and also handles the client relations and business development .

He has automated various processes involved in data processing and leads generation which resulted in quick deliverables and reduction of costs for our clients. Sathya has developed various tools for process automation which is being widely used in many of our clients’ offices.

Earlier, Sathya worked as an Associate at Ninestars Information Technologies.

Sathya is a MBA graduate from SRM University, Chennai.

LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/in/sathyakamal

Vivekanandan GajendiranHRIS Manager

From building teams to managing the IT department and procurement, Vivek is the go-getter in our company and is responsible for smooth handling of day-to-day internal operations at our company.

Vivek earlier worked at Ninestars Information Technologies as IT Procurement & Desktop Administrator.

Vivek is a MBA graduate from Alagappa University, Karaikudi.

LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/in/vivekanandan-g-15b93814